
Drug Dealer

Drug Dealer

Nataly Fish

Frank DanCoolo: Paranormal Drug Dealer

Frank DanCoolo: Paranormal Drug Dealer

In the annoyingly sparkly future-scape of Neo-Mega-Ultra Tokyo, reporter Holly Malone tracks a murderous urban legend. She discovers a chain of drug related killings leads down a super natural trail. A trail that ends with no average pill pusher. A comedy featuring a brutal blend of computer generated overkill, cartoon physics and stop-motion monst..

Nataly Fish

Hong Kong Criminal Archives - Eight Drug Dealers

Hong Kong Criminal Archives - Eight Drug Dealers

Hong Kong Criminal Archives - Eight Drug Dealers is a Hong Kong TV crime movie starring Nick Cheung.

Nataly Fish

Mr. Drug Dealer

Mr. Drug Dealer

Nataly Fish

Argentina. Interview with a dead drug dealer

Argentina. Interview with a dead drug dealer

The philosophical parable of the spiritual rebirths of man. The plot is based on the life of a small drug dealer Ilya Krakowski, who sells drugs in a cell phone sales office. Krakow knows exactly how to carry goods through the entire city without risking jailing, and sells drugs to everyone.

Nataly Fish

Mourir pour survivre

Mourir pour survivre

Après avoir reçu la visite d'un mystérieux personnage, la vie de Yong Cheng, propriétaire d'une boutique de médecine traditionnelle, est bouleversée. Il devient soudain l’agent exclusif d'une drogue piratée, obtenue d’un détaillant d'aphrodisiaques en faillite. En réalisant un joli profit, non seulement sa vie change, mais il est surno..

Nataly Fish



After coming out to his Chinese parents that he can only be happy living his life dressed as a woman, Minnie a young idealistic transgender is banished by his disgraced family finding herself homeless and learning to survive on the streets in this retro take of mainland China.

Nataly Fish

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