
BlacKkKlansman : J’ai infiltré le Ku Klux Klan

BlacKkKlansman : J’ai infiltré le Ku Klux Klan

Au début des années 70, au plus fort de la lutte pour les droits civiques, plusieurs émeutes raciales éclatent dans les grandes villes des États-Unis. Ron Stallworth devient le premier officier Noir américain du Colorado Springs Police Department, mais son arrivée est accueillie avec scepticisme, voire avec une franche hostilité, par les ag..

Nataly Fish

Repenti du ku klux klan : les secrets d'un ancien grand dragon

Repenti du ku klux klan : les secrets d'un ancien grand dragon

Les grands-parents de Shane Johnson étaient membres du Ku Klux Klan, et son père a même été garde du corps pour Samuel Bowers, un haut responsable condamné pour meurtre. Shane est né dans le Klan et a été bercé par les discours des suprémacistes blancs de sa famille auxquels il a adhéré, devenant lui-même un membre haut placé de l'or..

Nataly Fish

Inside the Ku Klux Klan

Inside the Ku Klux Klan

Dan Vernon journeys into the heart of America's most notorious supremacist group, with access to a modern day Missouri chapter: The Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Nataly Fish

The Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History

The Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History

From its inception in 1866 to it's diminished but still vocal brotherhood in the modern era, this release takes a close look at the ways in which the Klan has evolved through such events as the Civil Rights Movement and affirmative action. In addition to informative interviews with such subjects as Hooded Americanism author David Chambers and The F..

Nataly Fish

Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan

Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan

After three civil-rights workers are murdered in Mississippi in 1964, a team of FBI agents is sent there to find the killers.

Nataly Fish

Ku Klux Klan—The Invisible Empire

Ku Klux Klan—The Invisible Empire

A documentary on the KKK

Nataly Fish

La Noche del Ku Klux Klan

La Noche del Ku Klux Klan

A group of young Mexicans crosses the Rio Grande and ends up in a town where the Klan is actively persecuting drug smugglers and doesn't care at all about collateral damage.

Nataly Fish

Ku Klux Klan, société secrète de la terreur

Ku Klux Klan, société secrète de la terreur

KKK, c’est l’acronyme du Ku Klux Klan, trois lettres symboliques du racisme, de la violence et de la haine qui, depuis près de 150 ans, sévissent, en particulier dans les états ruraux du sud et du centre des États-Unis. S’il a constamment oscillé entre des périodes d’activité et de longues traversées du désert, le Ku Klux Klan sem..

Nataly Fish

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

15 miles away from Harrison, in the Arkansan woods, Sotiris Danezis and his team are attending the organisation's congress and interviewing its members and the leader Thomas Robb, known as "the grand wizard."

Nataly Fish

Le nouveau visage du Ku Klux Klan

Le nouveau visage du Ku Klux Klan

Tom Robb, le grand sorcier des chevaliers du Ku Klux Klan, souhaite donner une image plus «positive» de son organisation qui prêche la haine raciale. Ses nouvelles directives radicales comprennent notamment la participation à des séminaires destinés à développer les aptitudes personnelles. Tom Robb a du pain sur la planche si l'on en juge p..

Nataly Fish

Inside the Ku Klux Klan - Meeting The Imperial Wizard

Inside the Ku Klux Klan - Meeting The Imperial Wizard

Dan Vernon gains rare access with the notorious supremacist group in America, the Ku Klux Klan.

Nataly Fish

Who Put the Klan in the Ku Klux Klan?

Who Put the Klan in the Ku Klux Klan?

In this surprising documentary, archaeologist and historian Neil Oliver examines racism in the Deep South and the Scots who first occupied it who influenced where we are today. Oliver travels to the south and speaks with many people and researchers to discuss the Klan's history in Southern United States.

Nataly Fish

Pasaporte Pampliega - Ku Klux Klan, la semilla del odio
Resurgence: The Movement for Equality Versus the Ku Klux Klan

Resurgence: The Movement for Equality Versus the Ku Klux Klan

Documentary about rising popularity in Klan activity.

Nataly Fish

Oscar Mack Vs the Ku Klux Klan

Oscar Mack Vs the Ku Klux Klan

In 1922, armed Whites in Perry Florida lynched four African Americans and burned down Black businesses and the local schoolhouse. The following year, elements of the Ku Klux Klan participated in the Rosewood Massacre. The events that transpired in Oscar Mack versus the Ku Klux Klan occurred in a state notorious for anti-Black terror. However, the o..

Nataly Fish

Storm Warning

Storm Warning

A fashion model (Rogers) witnesses the brutal assassination of an investigative journalist by the Ku Klux Klan while traveling to a small town to visit her sister (Day).

Nataly Fish

Naissance d'une nation

Naissance d'une nation

Pendant la guerre de Sécession aux États-Unis, deux familles sont mises à l'épreuve : les Stoneman, favorables au Nord, et les Cameron, des sudistes. Le retour de la paix ne calme pas les esprits. Lincoln est assassiné. Les troubles naissent des politiciens véreux et des Noirs livrés à eux-mêmes. Par réaction se crée le Ku Klux Klan just..

Nataly Fish

The Burning Cross

The Burning Cross

Recently returned from WWII combat, unable to find a job, finding his sweetheart engaged to another man, and generally aware of the changes which have occurred in his hometown while he was away, a young man becomes easily talked into joining the Ku Klux Klan. Banned by the Virginia Board of Censors, and financed independently because no bank would..

Nataly Fish

The Symbol of the Unconquered

The Symbol of the Unconquered

Eve Mason, a white-passing black woman, moves to a remote cottage she inherited from her late father. She makes the acquaintance of her neighbor, a dashing black settler named Hugh Van Allen, and quickly falls for him. Trouble brews as the local cadre of racist hucksters want the valuable land Van Allen lives on, and will do anything to take it fro..

Nataly Fish

KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy

KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy

Filmmaker Dan Murdoch meets America's most infamous supremacist group - the Ku Klux Klan - who say they are in the midst of a revival, with a surge in membership and cross lightings across the Deep South.

Nataly Fish

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