


"Made in the intentionally amaturish in style. No plot. No story. Just a series of suggestive tableaus."

Nataly Fish

Lotte in Weimar

Lotte in Weimar

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was the author of Werther, the romantic novel that was transformed into a play during Goethe's lifetime and which initiated the whole German romantic movement. The book's story tells of young love and suicide. In this East German film, based on a book by Thomas Mann, Lotte (Lilli Palmer) was the woman who serv..

Nataly Fish

Weimar is Near Buchenwald

Weimar is Near Buchenwald

Shortly before the end of WWII, two young soldiers were murdered directly behind Goethe's garden house in Weimar. The place where our greatest German poets worked was also a place of a concentration camp.

Nataly Fish

Weimar, du Wunderbare

Weimar, du Wunderbare

Nataly Fish

Memories of Berlin: The Twilight of Weimar Culture

Memories of Berlin: The Twilight of Weimar Culture

The film tells the cultural story of Berlin during the Weimar Republic through interviews with a number of persons who were involved in literature, film, art, and music during the period. It includes interviews with Christopher Isherwood, Louise Brooks, Lotte Eisner, Elisabeth Bergner, Francis Lederer, Carl Zuckmayer, Gregor Piatigorsky, Claudio Ar..

Nataly Fish

Reise nach Weimar

Reise nach Weimar

Nataly Fish

Gotterdammerung Staatskapelle Weimar (St Clair)

Gotterdammerung Staatskapelle Weimar (St Clair)

Clair, with Norbert Schmittberg, Mario Hoff, and Tomas Mowes.

Nataly Fish

Part of the Struggle: Art and Politics in the Weimar Republic

Part of the Struggle: Art and Politics in the Weimar Republic

Early last century, many German artists like George Grosz, Emil Nolde and Otto Dix became politically involved. This film uses their art and their own words to explore a volatile period in Germany.

Nataly Fish

Musste Weimar scheitern?

Musste Weimar scheitern?

Nataly Fish

Wie Weimar wohnt - Kunst und Alltag

Wie Weimar wohnt - Kunst und Alltag

Photographer Ina Schoenenburg and publicist Axel Völcker are neither Weimar researchers nor Weimar specialists. They are interested in people. How they dwell, work and live. This is how an art project came about.

Nataly Fish

Weimar und heute - Die Rückkehr der Völkischen Ideologie
Schlaflos in Weimar

Schlaflos in Weimar

Nataly Fish

Cortège du prince Weimar

Cortège du prince Weimar

Stuttgart : passage d’un défilé salué par la foule. C'est le moment crucial du cortège étant donné la présence de la présidence et du comité tout entier de la fête.- Le nom du prince mentionné dans le titre de cette vue est “Hermann de Sachsen-Weimar”. Il semble avoir rempli un rôle important dans le comité de cette fête.

Nataly Fish

Ein Weimarfilm

Ein Weimarfilm

Documentary on the 1000-year-old town of Weimar. The film presents an example of the victory of humanist traditions over nazi brutality.

Nataly Fish

13. Parteitag der Liberal-Demokratischen Partei Deutschlands, Weimar 1982

13. Parteitag der Liberal-Demokratischen Partei Deutschlands, Weimar 1982

Report from the party congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDPD) from April 5 to 7, 1982 in Weimar.

Nataly Fish

Plakate, Parolen, Signale

Plakate, Parolen, Signale

A high-impact composition, razor-sharp.

Nataly Fish

Karlsbader Reise

Karlsbader Reise

Actors Liselotte Schaak and Erik Ode travel from Weimar to Karlsbad in an early version of the Volkswagen Beetle (KdF-Wagen der Nullserie).

Nataly Fish

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