
Pokémon, le film : Noir - Victini et Reshiram

Pokémon, le film : Noir - Victini et Reshiram

La légende raconte qu'autrefois existait un Pokmon unique divin. Mais un jour, il s'est divisé alors que deux jumeaux se faisaient la guerre. Le premier avait soif de réalité, le deuxième, soif d'idéal. L'un avait dans son camp Zekrom, le Pokémon Noir Idéal, l'autre, Reshiram, le Pokémon Blanc Réalité. Depuis longtemps demeuraient deux l..

Nataly Fish

Film Noir

Film Noir

Sam Ruben, un détective privé, se réveille en pleine nuit, son revolver et un flic mort à côté de lui. Amnésique, il va devoir reconstituer cette affaire, tout en évitant les meurtriers lancés à ses trousses.

Nataly Fish

Film Noir

Film Noir

Created in-camera this mixed media animated adventure combines live action, found objects with photo cut-outs that are weaved into a non linear narrative and manipulated into a dark story of romance and psychological tension that unfolds into a cinematic world never seen before.

Nataly Fish

Los Angeles Film Noir

Los Angeles Film Noir

A documentary about film noir films made in Los Angeles.

Nataly Fish

Un film intitulé les noirs ne peuvent pas nager - Mon parcours mon histoire

Un film intitulé les noirs ne peuvent pas nager - Mon parcours mon histoire

Ce film parle d'un Britannique noir qui, après avoir regardé un reportage bouleversant sur le mauvais temps et les inondations, développe une phobie aiguë avec de l'eau. Son anxiété de ne pas pouvoir nager et ses peurs irrationnelles de se noyer le poussent à acheter un gilet de sauvetage qu'il porte partout où il va. Il est déchiré entre..

Nataly Fish

(Untitled) Noir Film

(Untitled) Noir Film

A struggling writer searches the streets for inspiration as he works on a new screenplay, as his boss haggles him for new ideas.

Nataly Fish

Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light

Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light

Film Noir burrows into the mind; it's disorienting, intriguing and enthralling. Noir brings us into a gritty underworld of lush morbidity, providing intimate peeks at its tough, scheming dames, mischievous misfits and flawed men - all caught in the wicked web of a twisted fate.

Nataly Fish

Milice, film noir

Milice, film noir

Créée par Pierre Laval à la fin de Janvier 1943, la Milice est un instrument de pouvoir du Gouvernement de Vichy, un symbole de son glissement totalitaire. Images d'actualités, témoignages croisés des témoins, des victimes qui ont survécu et de quatre anciens miliciens éclairent cette histoire longtemps taboue. Force de maintien de l'ordre..

Nataly Fish

A film Noir

A film Noir

A man approaches a mysterious woman at a pier, and tries to learn more about her; she does not intend to let him.

Nataly Fish

A Film Noir

A Film Noir

In the grimy city streets of shitten, a lone detective is forced out of retirement in order to discover the mystery behind the body that was washed up by the docs. He'll have to meet old friends and enemies in order to find who the culprate is.

Nataly Fish

Possessed: The Quintessential Film Noir

Possessed: The Quintessential Film Noir

Eddie Muller, James Ursini and Casper discussing Possessed (1947) 'dark cinema' features.

Nataly Fish

The Rules of Film Noir

The Rules of Film Noir

Matthew Sweet explores his rules of 1940s and 50s American film noir thrillers.

Nataly Fish

A Film Noir : The Passion

A Film Noir : The Passion

A story of a young professional workaholic man who tries to find his passion through the disturbing memories of his late girlfriend.

Nataly Fish

Origins of Film Noir

Origins of Film Noir

Jump into the world of Film Noir and look at how the technology and economic factors gave birth to a genre that still deeply influences the way filmmakers work today. Take a look at 4 Film Noirs spanning the beginning and end of the classic film noir era: "The Stranger on the Third Floor", "Double Indemnity", "The Big Combo" and "Touch of Evil".

Nataly Fish

Burt Lancaster: The Film Noir Years

Burt Lancaster: The Film Noir Years

In-depth look at the actor's early career by Kate Buford, author of Burt Lancaster: An American Life;

Nataly Fish

The Best of Film Noir

The Best of Film Noir

Uses over 30 film clips and interviews about the tough guys and the femme fatales to illustrate the aspects of the film noir genre. Jeffrey Wells discusses Big Sleep, The (1946), Ο άρχων του τρόμου (1958), Kiss Me Deadly (1955), D.O.A. (1950), Out of the Past (1947), Against All Odds, Laura (1944), and Kiss of Death (1947). Film noi..

Nataly Fish

Jacques Tourneur à l’ombre du film noir

Jacques Tourneur à l’ombre du film noir

Documentary about Tourneur's Nightfall.

Nataly Fish

Film Noir

Film Noir

The movie is absurd, and a thoroughly original take on the morale in Japanese society. The images are beautiful, and the people are as cold as the snow that surrounds them. The take on Melville's "Samoraï" from -67 is obvious, but Kobayashi turns the image around and portrays the killer as the weakest person in the movie - haunted by his demanding..

Nataly Fish

Dark and Deadly: Fifty Years of Film Noir

Dark and Deadly: Fifty Years of Film Noir

One of the first film noir documentaries, made for British Channel Four, and including interviews with Paul Schrader, Robert Wise, John Dahl, Bryan Singer, Edward Dmytryk, Dennis Hopper, John Alton.

Nataly Fish

L'Odyssée du noir et blanc (film poubelle n°1)

L'Odyssée du noir et blanc (film poubelle n°1)

Film réalisé à partir de morceaux de pellicules super 8 trouvés dans les poubelles de l'Abominable.

Nataly Fish

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