
Force of Nature

Force of Nature

Un policier est chargé de protéger les résidents d'un immeuble pris au piège après le passage d'un ouragan. Parmi eux, un détective à la retraite refuse d'être évacué. En parallèle de la catastrophe météorologique, un groupe de criminels tente de réaliser un vol mystérieux au sein du bâtiment.

Nataly Fish

Force of Nature: The Dry 2

Force of Nature: The Dry 2

Cinq femmes participent à une randonnée d'entreprise, mais seulement quatre d'entre elles en reviennent. Deux agents fédéraux, Aaron Falk et Carmen Cooper, s'enfoncent alors dans les chaînes de montagnes victoriennes afin d'enquêter. Ils gardent espoir de retrouver leur informatrice, Alice Russell, vivante.

Nataly Fish

Godzilla: Force of Nature

Godzilla: Force of Nature

L'équipe du film revient sur les origines de la franchise, les parallèles avec l'histoire moderne, la construction d'un film sérieux, la conception de créatures, le style photographique et l'importance de la perspective, la construction d'effets numériques, la garantie d'une échelle appropriée, le style de Gareth Edwards etc.

Nataly Fish

Force of Nature Natalia

Force of Nature Natalia

A portrait of dance superstar Natalia Osipova which combines unique access to the rehearsal rooms of the Royal Ballet with Natalia's contemporary dance projects, to give an unparalleled glimpse into the working life of a great dance artist.

Nataly Fish

Harland Williams: A Force of Nature

Harland Williams: A Force of Nature

Harland's groundbreaking stand up special, shot entirely on location in the Mojave Desert. Screaming comedy from a mountain top under the scorching sun.

Nataly Fish

Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie

Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie

David Suzuki, iconic Canadian scientist, educator, broadcaster and activist delivers a 'last lecture' — what he describes as "a distillation of my life and thoughts, my legacy, what I want to say before I die". The film interweaves the lecture with scenes from the places and events in Suzuki's life — creating a biography of ideas — forged by ..

Nataly Fish

Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature follows the intrepid Lesbian Rangers as they patrol, educate, and illustrate lesbian survival skills. This documentary about the Force archly parodies the so-called objectivity of educational films, while playfully recasting the wilds from a lesbian perspective, calling into question prevalent ..

Nataly Fish

The force of nature humanity

The force of nature humanity

This film shows the positive realities of society or to better understand the cycle of nature. If you do good to others, others will do good to you. Mustafa Zarif in the role of Ali shows the positive realities that every human being realizes as worthy of humanity.

Nataly Fish

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