
Gary Cooper: The Face of a Hero

Gary Cooper: The Face of a Hero

Known for his personification of the Western Hero, it was Montana-born Gary Cooper's horse-riding skills that first brought him bit parts in movies. And he never lost his love of the great American outdoors. Though he rarely played a villain and was an adept comedian, Cooper is best remembered for his strong, silent heroes. With his lanky country b..

Nataly Fish

Gary Cooper, que estás en los cielos

Gary Cooper, que estás en los cielos

A woman nearing her forties, Andrea Soriana, has always pushed aside personal questions and romantic relationships in pursuit of professional success. Now a major illness forces her to reconsider her life--work, family, friendships, men-- causing a psychological and emotional crisis pushes her toward a drastic decision.

Nataly Fish

Irrésistible Gary Cooper

Irrésistible Gary Cooper

Nataly Fish

Gary Cooper: American Life, American Legend

Gary Cooper: American Life, American Legend

Hosted by Clint Eastwood, Hollywood Remembers: Gary Cooper -- American Life, American Legend is a biographical portrait of the life and times of movie star Gary Cooper. The 47-minute tribute chronicles the actor's life from his early days as an "extra" in silent pictures to his acceptance of the 1960 Academy Award for lifetime achievement in film. ..

Nataly Fish

Adieu Gary

Adieu Gary

Samir revient chez son père Francis après avoir purgé une peine de prison de moyenne durée pour petit trafic. Francis est veuf et vit dans un quartier ouvrier dont l'usine a fermée quelque temps auparavant laissant la population, majoritaire immigrée de l'Afrique du Nord, désœuvrée. Icham, le frère de Samir, lui trouve un travail de réin..

Nataly Fish

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