
Pocahontas : Une légende indienne

Pocahontas : Une légende indienne

Walt Disney Animation Studios s'est inspiré de la vie extraordinaire et de l’esprit indomptable de l’héroïne amérindienne pour raconter l'histoire de Pocahontas. Cette aventure musicale allie les faits historiques et la légende pour raconter l’histoire d’une jeune femme courageuse, pleine de compassion et d’énergie. Elle doit "écou..

Nataly Fish



In London, John Smith is ambushed by a group of soldiers with a warrant for his arrest and presumed dead in the ensuing confrontation; Governor Ratcliffe has lied to King James (being a personal friend of the King) and framed Smith as the traitor from the first film in a plot to declare war against the Powhatan Nation and get ahold of the gold he s..

Nataly Fish



Pocahontas' journey to the land of the settlers is softened with the help of comic sidekicks White Eagle and Fluffy Wing. Along with an upbeat soundtrack, the story showcases the American Indian girl's union with John Smith.

Nataly Fish



Pocahontas et une fille du grand chef Powha... Elle vit avec sa tribu dan les vallées profondes et vertes de l'Amérique. Un jour pendant qu'elle cherche des baies avec ses amis elle aperçoit des colons blanc, menés par le Capitaine John Smith, qui débarquent sur la plage. Les Indiens et les colons se craignent mutuellement et cette peur se tra..

Nataly Fish



Roaming around with her best friend Wabuu, the curious and cheeky raccoon, Pocahontas, the beautiful chieftain daughter discovers a ship with a lot of strangers on the shore. "These White people will bring much woe to our people" predicts the chieftain. And actually, the gold-greedy captain of the ship starts a war on the Indians. Will Pocahontas ..

Nataly Fish



Part of the Princess Collection, a set of 5 animated princess movies. NOT DISNEY. A shorter version of the tale of John Smith and Pocohontas.

Nataly Fish



Set in colonial America, in what is now Virginia, and London, "Pocahontas" has become an internationally known and loved story for its historical value, entertaining youngsters of all ages. The film tells the story of the first English settlers in Virginia and its relations with the Native Americans who lived there. Pocahontas, daughter of the powe..

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas II : Un monde nouveau

Pocahontas II : Un monde nouveau

Pocahontas part pour l'Angleterre avec ses amis Meeko, Flit et Percy en tant qu'ambassadrice pour la paix. Décontenancée, au début, par les coutumes étranges de Londres, Pocahontas se lie vite d'amitié avec l'élégant John Rolfe. Mais l'arrivée de forces mystérieuses forcent Pocahontas à choisir entre la vie qu'elle a toujours connue et so..

Nataly Fish

L'enfance de Pocahontas

L'enfance de Pocahontas

La jeune Pocahontas apprend des leçons sur la vie avec l'aide de ses amis les animaux. Et tentera de sauver le beau Capitaine John Smith des mains du sorcier-guérisseur.

Nataly Fish

La conquête de l'Amérique : John Smith et Pocahontas

La conquête de l'Amérique : John Smith et Pocahontas

Au début du XVIIe siècle, tandis que l'Espagne règne sur une large partie du continent américain, l'Angleterre se lance à son tour à la conquête du Nouveau Monde. Répondant à l'appel du roi, la Virginia Company envoie le capitaine John Smith fonder avec ses colons le comptoir de Jamestown. Bientôt capturé par les Indiens powhatan, l'aven..

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas 2: The Return of John Smith

Pocahontas 2: The Return of John Smith

Continuation of the full-length cartoon about the adventures of Pocahontas, the daughter of an Indian chief. In 1614, John Smith returns to Jamestown, where he meets Pocahontas again.

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas: The Legend

Pocahontas: The Legend

Englishmen come to explore and settle the new world. There they find natives who are curious about their "firesticks" and strange customs.

Nataly Fish

Flèches de feu

Flèches de feu

Le capitaine John Smith surmonte la traîtrise de certains de ses hommes et le ressentiment des Amérindiens locaux pour établir la colonie de Jamestown.

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas: Beyond the Myth

Pocahontas: Beyond the Myth

The story of Pocahontas has been passed down through the centuries. Her relationship with John Smith has been characterized as a romance that united two cultures and created lasting peace. However, the life of this American Indian princess was anything but a fairytale. Join us as we look beyond the fiction and reveal the real story of Pocahontas, a..

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas: The Girl Who Lived in Two Worlds

Pocahontas: The Girl Who Lived in Two Worlds

Short Film: Animation

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas: Princess of the American Indians

Pocahontas: Princess of the American Indians

Follow Pocahontas, the Native American Princess, as she travels to spread her message of peace and unity among men in this high quality entertaining animated feature for kids and families.

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas: Dove of Peace

Pocahontas: Dove of Peace

Pocahontas is the true story of an amazing young woman who became an ambassador between two nations.

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas Glory Vol. 7

Pocahontas Glory Vol. 7

N&W Steam 1956-1958! * Cincinnati, Portsmouth in 1956! * Class A Breakdown * Rainy day at Bonsack, VA in 1956 with live sound including Class A, Y, Jawn Henry, J & K2's! * Pigeon Creek Shifter chase with Y6A #2136, November 1958! All scenes with real N&W audio, much of it recorded when filmed! Featuring film by Donald J. Krofta, Joseph ..

Nataly Fish

Pocahontas : au-delà du mythe

Pocahontas : au-delà du mythe

La princesse indienne Pocahontas qui constitue un des mythes fondateurs des Etats-Unis, est à l'origine de légendes et d'adaptations littéraires et cinématographiques.

Nataly Fish

Animated Hero Classics: Pocahontas

Animated Hero Classics: Pocahontas

Except for the courage of Pocahontas, the English settlers at Jamestown in the early 17th century would have died from starvation and exposure. Her brave intervention saved the settlers’ lives and brought peace between two very different peoples. History comes alive as you meet an inquisitive girl who grows into a great ambassador for peace.

Nataly Fish

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