
The Beast in the Jungle

The Beast in the Jungle

Based on the novella by Henry James Beast in the Jungle depicts the enigmatic love story of John Marcher and May Bartram. Their duet around an omnious secret is captured in a style both physical and poetic. Set in a remote countryside mansion the story stretches over a century, spiraling from the Jamesian late 19th century to the global present.

Nataly Fish

The Beast in the Jungle

The Beast in the Jungle

The Beast in the Jungle is a 1903 novella by Henry James, first published as part of the collection, The Better Sort. Almost universally considered one of James' finest short narratives, this story treats appropriately universal themes: loneliness, fate, love and death. The parable of John Marcher and his peculiar destiny has spoken to many readers..

Nataly Fish

La bête dans la jungle

La bête dans la jungle

La Bête dans la jungle, librement adapté de la nouvelle de Henry James, est l’histoire d’un huis clos vertigineux : pendant 25 ans, dans une immense boîte de nuit, un homme et une femme guettent ensemble un événement mystérieux. De 1979 à 2004, l’histoire du disco à la techno, l’histoire d’un amour, l’histoire d’une obsession..

Nataly Fish

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