


A woman arranges to christen her granddaughter behind her daughter's back. Can a strained mother-daughter relationship survive an unthinkable act?

Nataly Fish



"George Kuchar meets my mother."

Nataly Fish



Une jeune femme, Alex, se fait violer par un inconnu dans un tunnel. Son compagnon Marcus et son ex-petit ami Pierre décident de faire justice eux-mêmes.

Nataly Fish

Irreversible Metabolic Shock

Irreversible Metabolic Shock

« L'hypocrisie sexuelle à échelle nationale. »

Nataly Fish



When two different and distant galaxies collide, the result is always unpredictable. Two existences, those of Carlo and Marco, will change shape irreversibly.

Nataly Fish

Nistru. The Irreversible Flow of Life

Nistru. The Irreversible Flow of Life

The river Nistru has been the unifying element of nations residing on its banks for thousands of years. Yet recently it has also become a border within a frozen conflict between Moldova and an unrecognised breakaway state – Transnistria. The future of an entire nation depends on whether the people residing on the riverbanks will learn to see how ..

Nataly Fish



Poor car salesman Eun-seong always leads a poor life. One day, Eun-seong goes to a luxury pension run by her girlfriend, Hwa-jun, who is not able to overcome her lover Yeon-hee's Seonghwa. However, Eun-seong and So-jeong have a bitter quarrel there, and Hwa-jun approaches Yeon-hee by taking advantage of the opportunity...

Nataly Fish

The Irreversibility of Time

The Irreversibility of Time

Nataly Fish



Jihun has a good wife and a cute daughter. One day, his past lover Taeil appears and sees him enjoying a happy life with his family.

Nataly Fish

Irreversible Time Fairy Tale

Irreversible Time Fairy Tale

At the time when Serbia was under international sanctions, while cities were bombed and citizens spent their days on the streets and shelters, some people found their happiness in the newly conceived rave subculture.

Nataly Fish

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