


Vijay Khanna is a law graduate-cum-tabloid editor he falls in love with Princess Sunita, while general election are underway. Vijay becomes a murder accused of a political leader. Gradually the couple tries to expose a criminal-politician nexus. (From wikipedia)

Nataly Fish

Fourchette se pose des questions : c’est quoi un leader ?

Fourchette se pose des questions : c’est quoi un leader ?

Dolly enseigne à Fourchette les qualités pour être un bon leader et Fourchette met ces qualités à l’épreuve.

Nataly Fish

Platoon Leader

Platoon Leader

Platoon Leader : Vietnam, années 70: fraichement débarqué des Etats-Unis, le jeune lieutenant Jeff Knight est accueilli avec méfiance et cynisme par les soldats américains du camp de Troug Lam, base stratégique convoitée par les troupes vietcong. Encore inexpérimenté, Knight va faire le dur apprentissage de la guerre au cours d'attaques-su..

Nataly Fish

Thalaiva - Le Leader

Thalaiva - Le Leader

Leader d’une troupe de danse voyageant aux quatre coins du monde pour sa passion l’homme se retrouve face à son destin. La face sombre de Mumbai change à jamais la vie de cet homme insouciant. Le destin le place face à ses responsabilités et ses choix feront-ils de lui un "Leader" pour les opprimés ?

Nataly Fish

L'Enfance d'un chef

L'Enfance d'un chef

Un jeune Américain grandissant en France à la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale assiste aux tractations du traité de Versailles, qui ont sur le développement de sa pensée une grande influence.

Nataly Fish

La Corée du Nord et l’art - Une expérience au pays du leader bien aimé

La Corée du Nord et l’art - Une expérience au pays du leader bien aimé

Alors que le monde est au bord de la guerre nucléaire, un groupe d'artistes occidentaux contemporains est invité à entrer dans l'œil du cyclone - la Corée du Nord. L’objectif est de collaborer avec des artistes nord-coréens dans un projet d’échange d’art présentant un art nouveau et stimulant dans un pays où l’art abstrait est inte..

Nataly Fish

Leader: Amie Bangladesh

Leader: Amie Bangladesh

Film plot is unknown at this time

Nataly Fish

La Corée du Nord et l'art: Une expérience au pays du leader bien aimé

La Corée du Nord et l'art: Une expérience au pays du leader bien aimé

Des artistes originaires du monde entier participent à un séminaire d’art contemporain en Corée du Nord. Une immersion inédite, en plein bras de fer diplomatique entre le pays et les États-Unis.

Nataly Fish

The leader without underwear

The leader without underwear

Meichun (dressed in summer clothes) is a tourism operator of Yamato Travel Agency. She is a tour guide Miss, and her demeanor is very popular among male clients. Her boss, the president, was extremely satisfied with her performance and often provided sexual services as a reward afterwards.

Nataly Fish

The Great Leader Kanshiram

The Great Leader Kanshiram

The Great Leader Kanshiram is a 2017 Indian Hindi-language Biopic film directed and produced by Arjun Singh, a 24 year old youth from Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. it is based on true story of DS4, BAMCEF and Bahujan Samaj Party founder, Kanshi Ram from his childhood to 1984.

Nataly Fish

Mastering Leadership Series Vol. 3: Your New Dog First Day and Beyond

Mastering Leadership Series Vol. 3: Your New Dog First Day and Beyond

Start off on the right paw with Volume 3 of Cesar’s best-selling DVD series, Cesar’s hands-on guide to selecting the perfect dog for your family, selecting a dog that matches your energy, bringing a puppy home for the first time and more.

Nataly Fish

Mastering Leadership Series Vol. 2: Becoming a Pack Leader

Mastering Leadership Series Vol. 2: Becoming a Pack Leader

Cesar’s hands-on DVD shows you how to be a pack leader, use energy and body language to influence your dog, create rules for your dog, gain control during walks, and more in Volume 2 of Cesar’s best-selling DVD series.

Nataly Fish

Shadows of a Leader: Qaddafi's Female Bodyguards

Shadows of a Leader: Qaddafi's Female Bodyguards

The documentary investigates the phenomenon of Qaddafi's elite female bodyguard corps and the tensions these women embody: tensions between Islam, modernisation in a nomadic society, a militarist feminism and an urban dictatorship.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Leaders of Madison’s Black Renaissance

Leaders of Madison’s Black Renaissance

Despite Blacks making up only 7% of Madison WI's population, they are leading in so many important areas from education to politics, and are launching so many multi-million dollar projects that people describe this period as a "Black Renaissance."

Nataly Fish

Nani's Gang Leader

Nani's Gang Leader

A crime novelist is approached by a group of bereaved women to help them plot revenge against those responsible for the loss of their loved ones.

Nataly Fish

Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln: Two Leaders

Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln: Two Leaders

Abraham Lincoln is revered as America’s abolitionist president, but his thoughts about ending slavery were far from ideal. It would take the steady influence of the abolitionist movement and one of its leaders, Frederick Douglass, to guide Lincoln to becoming “The Great Emancipator”. Douglass was himself born enslaved and through the power of..

Nataly Fish

Mastering Leadership Series Vol. 1: People Training for Dogs

Mastering Leadership Series Vol. 1: People Training for Dogs

Get up-close and personal with Cesar as he shares his thoughts on everything from the basics of dog behaviour, the pack, energy and body language, the importance of the walk, and more in this commonsense guide to understanding the basics of dog behaviour.

Nataly Fish

The Leader

The Leader

In 1997, thirty-nine members of the American cult known as "Heaven's Gate" committed the largest mass suicide to ever take place on American soil. This is their story.

Nataly Fish

Tony Benn: Labour's Lost Leader

Tony Benn: Labour's Lost Leader

Obituary film of the lifelong Labour politician, Tony Benn, who was an MP for over 50 years. Born the son of a viscount, Benn was elected Labour MP for Bristol South East at the age of 25, and in his political career became a champion of the working class.

Nataly Fish

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