


A guy falls for a girl who draws him into a modern-day cult.

Nataly Fish



Three years have passed, Riff returns home, seeking a chance to be with his ex, but now his friend, Jerome, for a second time. But an unexpected act leads him into losing him forever - just as how Orpheus loses a chance to be with Eurydice.

Nataly Fish



The myth of Orpheus, set in the music industry, in a hellish version of Los Angeles.

Nataly Fish



It came therefore to be believed that Orpheus taught, but left no writings.

Nataly Fish



The story of Orpheus takes the Greek myth and focuses on the sense of loss and guilt. Only in this story rather than being a musician Orpheus is an artist, an artist trapped in his studio with a fading memory of his lost love – but nightly he is pestered and bullied by The Critic, a living embodiment of his own troubled mind.

Nataly Fish



Orpheus can enchant everyone with his music, even animals and plants. His song can also rescue his beloved Euredice from the underworld, under one condition - Orpheus must reach the land of the living before looking to see if his love is following him.

Nataly Fish



Jonny lived with his mother his entire life.

Nataly Fish

Orphée et Eurydice

Orphée et Eurydice

Ayant perdu son épouse Eurydice, Orphée pleure sa mort durant la cérémonie funèbre. Les Dieux, voyant le chagrin du jeune héros, l’autorisent à descendre aux Enfers pour qu’il aille chercher sa bien-aimée. Une seule condition lui est imposée : qu’il ne croise pas le regard d’Eurydice en remontant des Enfers. Accueilli d’abord ave..

Nataly Fish

Le Testament d'Orphée

Le Testament d'Orphée

Frappé par une balle, le poète Jean Cocteau se retrouve projeté dans le temps. Tandis qu'il tente désespérément de regagner son époque, il a l'étrange surprise de rencontrer ses propres créations : Cégeste, le poète jeune, la Princesse et Heurtebise. Ces deux derniers s'érigent en juges face à leur créateur, contraignant Cocteau à pl..

Nataly Fish



Orphée, le poète, se trouve au sommet de sa gloire et de sa fortune, en dépit des ricanements d'une jeune génération de poètes ambitieux. Devant le café littéraire de la ville, il est bousculé par l'un de ses jeunes rivaux, Cégeste, que tente d'entraîner la princesse, la mystérieuse dame à la Rolls noire. Une bagarre éclate : Cégest..

Nataly Fish

Black Orpheus

Black Orpheus

À la veille du carnaval de Rio, Eurydice arrive de la campagne pour y retrouver sa cousine Sérafina. Elle fait la rencontre d'Orphée, conducteur de tramway et artiste adulé par le peuple pour ses qualités de danseur et de guitariste. Mais Eurydice, électrocutée par un câble de tramway, meurt en tentant d'échapper à son destin. Orphée la ..

Nataly Fish

Do You Love Me Like I Love You (Part 13: Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus)

Do You Love Me Like I Love You (Part 13: Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus)

A short film to accompany the reissue of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds album Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus (originally released in 2004). The result is a determinedly human portrait of the unique body of work produced by the band over the last 25 years, told through those who have lived and loved the music, including close collaborators.

Nataly Fish

Orpheus in the Underworld

Orpheus in the Underworld

This musical comedy based on an opera by Jacques Offenbach incorporates a twist on the classic Greek myth: Orpheus, a music teacher at a girls’ school in the ancient Greek city of Thebes, actually does not miss his wife Eurydice that much – until the gods and Offenbach himself pressure him to retrieve her from Hades.

Nataly Fish

Tennessee Williams: Orpheus of the American Stage

Tennessee Williams: Orpheus of the American Stage

A study of Tennessee Williams's life and work as a whole, ranging from his youth in Mississippi and in St. Louis to success and acclaim, followed by the final difficult years. Includes some of the most celebrated scenes from film adaptations of Williams' work, among them extracts of A Streetcar Named Desire (1951),Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), Nigh..

Nataly Fish

Nuit de rêve

Nuit de rêve

Philipp et Enis, deux amis de longue date gagnent un voyage en Grèce. Lors de leurs vacances paradisiaques, ils se perdent sur une île sauvage et trouvent refuge dans une grotte pour dormir. Une nuit agitée s’annonce, entre rêves et réalité… Le lendemain, rien ne sera jamais plus comme avant entre les deux garçons.

Nataly Fish

Orpheus Descending

Orpheus Descending

Val Xavier is a drifter in 1940's Mississippi who brings new life to an Italian immigrant woman trapped in a loveless marriage.

Nataly Fish

The Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice

The Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice

According to the ancient tale, talented musician Orpheus descends to the underworld to retrieve his beloved wife Eurydice, who steps on a poisonous snake and dies after being chased by Aristaeus. Moved by Orpheus’ music, Hades, ruler of the afterlife, allows him to take Eurydice back under one condition. Eurydice is to follow Orpheus while walkin..

Nataly Fish

Jimmy Orpheus

Jimmy Orpheus

Jimmy Orpheus is about a young day labourer at the docks. After a crawl through the late-night bars in the St. Pauli red-light district, he meets a prostitute, for whom he risks life and limb while walking around night-time Hamburg … A love story that is as poetic as it is realistic, with Roland Klick trying out various extravagant editing and ca..

Nataly Fish

Orpheus steigt herab

Orpheus steigt herab

Nataly Fish

Orpheus Underground

Orpheus Underground

Orpheus (the artist) searches for Eurydice (immortality) in New York (his own underworld). Densely textured, pervaded by feeling of baroque imagery.

Nataly Fish

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