
The Weather Forecast

The Weather Forecast

Lorsqu'une livraison de cercueils préfigure un hiver rigoureux, les habitants d'une maison de retraite échappent à leur confinement et redécouvrent le monde extérieur.

Nataly Fish

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast is an autoethnographic observation of videos from 2003, captured with a handheld home-video camera on VHS tape. Footage of the house feasts of a Tatar family intertwine with clips evidencing the destruction of the town of Shakhtarsk by the Russian troops in 2014, and with DIY videos made in 2003 by a girl imitating TV-shows. In the..

Nataly Fish

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast

Short documentary about weather forecasting, emphasising the importance of the GPO's telecommunications systems.

Nataly Fish

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast

It's easy to find out the weather forecast. It is enough to make one click on your phone, tablet or computer. Hardly anyone at this moment is thinking about how this information gets into gadgets. Where and how does the forecast come from? The old ship "Mikhail Somov" goes along the Northern Sea Route from Arkhangelsk to Wrangel Island. For Russian..

Nataly Fish

Tomorrow's Weather

Tomorrow's Weather

A man, after having abandoned his family to live in a monastery, goes back into the world after 17 years.

Nataly Fish

Juin 44 : un jour de météo favorable

Juin 44 : un jour de météo favorable

Irlande, juin 1944. La décision cruciale de lancer l'opération Overlord le jour J dépend des relevés effectués par Maureen Flavin, une jeune fille qui travaille dans un bureau de poste, utilisé comme station météorologique, à Blacksod, dans le comté de Mayo, le promontoire le plus à l'ouest de l'Europe, loin des nombreuses terres dévast..

Nataly Fish

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