
Témoin sous contrôle

Témoin sous contrôle

Après avoir échappé de justesse à une tentative d'assassinat, Bobby Batton, un mafieux, est contraint de se livrer au FBI pour sauver sa vie et celle de sa famille. Mais en collaborant avec le FBI, Bobby et sa famille vont devoir participer au programme de protection des témoins et changer catégoriquement de vie...

Nataly Fish

Madea : Protection de témoins

Madea : Protection de témoins

Un chef d'entreprise coupable de fraude décide de coopérer avec les autorités. Sa femme et lui intègrent alors le programme de protection de témoins et s'installent incognito dans une banlieue du Sud des Etats-Unis.

Nataly Fish

Witness Protection

Witness Protection

A mother and daughter are in a witness protection program and relocated to a quiet remote town . The criminal in prison, who they are linked to by the conviction, arranges a ruthless man to hunt them down and kill them.

Nataly Fish

Witness Protection

Witness Protection

When a woman who has always defined herself by her romantic relationships is forced to enter witness protection, she must try to figure out who she really is for the first time while maintaining her cover and keeping the criminals at bay.

Nataly Fish

Can I Get a Witness Protection?

Can I Get a Witness Protection?

They need protection: the church needs a miracle. Jack witnessed a mob murder, so the FBI relocates him and his wife, Julie, to a place the gangsters will never look: he's Associate Pastor at a half-dead church in Fresno. On Jack's first Sunday, the Senior Minister keels over dead in the pulpit. Can a fake minister be the answer to the church's pra..

Nataly Fish

The Witness Protection Program

The Witness Protection Program

Story of a secret government agency that places people in the Witness Protection Program. Some of them are turning on their former friends and others are being hunted by the mob, but all need the help of Diane Carter and her agency.

Nataly Fish

Woman in Witness Protection

Woman in Witness Protection

Biwako est une actrice vaniteuse d’âge moyen qui assiste à un meurtre brutal. Réalisant que la vie publique même de la femme rend leur seul témoin vulnérable aux tueurs, la police affecte deux agents pour la protéger jusqu’au procès. Entre-temps, la vie de Biwako et de tous ceux qui l’entourent est changée de façon inattendue.

Nataly Fish

'Marutai no Onna' satsuei wo oete

'Marutai no Onna' satsuei wo oete

A special feature included with the Juzo Itami Film Collection about the production of "Marutai no Onna" a.k.a. "Woman in Witness Protection".

Nataly Fish

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